February 27, 2017

Eumeswil conference series 2017: MAN AND FORTUNE (L´UOMO E LA FORTUNA)

Programma Ciclo Conferenze 2017 Associazione Eumeswil: L'UOMO E LA FORTUNA
The Association Eumeswil has just announced the program for their 22nd annual conference series in full program pdf here)
Florence. From March to December this year, over the course of 13 conferences held by well-known Italian professors and other experts on the material, they will be examining the theme, "MAN AND FORTUNE". (Invitation below and

The first Jünger conference of the series is on June 8, entitled: "Incontri pericolosi. Per un’iconologia della fortuna in Jünger" (Dangerous Encounters: an iconology of fortune in Jünger)

Additionally, they are offering an organised one-week trip to Sicily in late fall 2017, retracing Ernst Jünger's steps on this beautiful island and meeting up with local Jünger experts on route. The event is intended to bring passionate Jünger readers and experts together for fruitful exchanges in the stimulating setting of this Mediterranean island that so interested Ernst Jünger. The trip will be bilingual, English and Italian. For more information, please contact the Association Eumeswil directly - info(at)eumeswil.cc

Cari soci e simpatizzanti, 
siamo lieti di presenterVi il nuovo programma per il 2017 su: L'uomo e la fortuna. Sperando di farVi cosa gradita, Vi preghiamo di osservare con cura il ciclo di conferenze che quest'anno si è arrichito per numero di incontri. Riprenderanno inoltre i corsi per i soci ed organizzeremo per la prima volta un viaggio per non solo visitare la Sicilia, passione di Ernst Jünger, ma anche per incontrare jüngheriani di fuori Firenze. 

February 23, 2017

Programm des Jünger-Symposions 2017 "AUF DEN MARMORKLIPPEN"

Ernst Jüngers „Auf den Marmorklippen“ – eine literarische Auseinandersetzung mit dem NS-Regime. Ernst und Friedrich Jünger Gesellschaft
Kloster Heiligkreuztal, 7. – 9. April 2017
Freitag, 7. April
20.00     Eröffnung des Symposiums, Alexander Pschera und Thomas Bantle
20.15     Hans-Dieter Schäfer, Ernst Jünger und die literarische Moderne im Nationalsozialismus
21.30     Umtrunk
Samstag, 8. April
09.00     Sigfried Lokatis, Ernst Jüngers „Marmorklippen“ und die Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt
10.00     Detlev Schöttker, Wer ist Otho? Zur Rolle Brasiliens in den Marmorklippen
11.00     Kaffeepause